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Thursday, 28 May 2009



Provide qualified computer to be installed windows seven (7) if you want to at least dual core comfortable with 1GB memory
The installation DVD of Windows Seven (7)
1 liter of gasoline
Pour gasoline into the computer and then burn!!! Hahaha ... kidding Brader ...
Set the computer to boot from dvd, done through the bios settings, usually press delete or f2 when the new computer is turned on select settings then select the dvd rom booting into the first order. save the bios setup by pressing F10.
Insert the Installation DVD
Click on any key if there is a question of whether to boot from cd or dvd
Appears as below
  • Furthermore, the display appears as shown below, just click next

  • Do not stare Brader ... click Install Now

  • If yes please sempet in baca2 first (almost no one ever read tablets), a direct check is also not okay ga angry, continue to the next

  • Because we're doing a clean install then select the Custom (advanced)
Select the partition that will be used to install windows seven (7), the example below is not in the hard drive into several partitions bagi2, if you want to split into several partitions before the installation process select the Drive options (advanced) there we can create, delete and resize partitions. but from the confused to the first-time installation of windows mending directly select the next course, anyway partitioning can be done after the installation process is complete.
  • The installation process begins Brader ... may as well stay in, take a few tens of minutes depending on computer specifications Brader, he does already exist that tried to install on the computer pentium 2 and takes dozens of hours!! haha ... if a new computer is less than an hour anyway
  • After the above process selese computer will automatically restart itself. kumudian appear as below
  • Type the user name and computer name, whatever you wrote, eg Brader own name
  • Then let the computer make passwords secure Brader, write 2x and should be the same, then the password hint is filled with clues if for example Brader forget ama passwornya. not in the content is also not nothing.
  • Enter the Windows product key, usually in his intalasi dvd package. if for example Brader poduct not have his keys in kosongin wrote, Brader given the opportunity to try windows 7 for 30 days
Furthermore Brader told to choose settings if windows will automatically update itself ato not, select suka2 Brader wrote it
  • Then adjust the time zone settings residence Brader
  • Brader completed ... driver2 install computer hardware that Windows runs optimally, such as driver vga, audio, chipset, network, bluetooth and lain2. Sgerr it looks ... hehe. slamat try Brader ...

Wednesday, 27 May 2009


SEJARAH KOMPUTER DARI GENERASI PERTAMA HINGGA SEKARANGComputer Generation I (1940-1959)ENIACElectronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator ( ENIAC ) was the first generation of electronic digital computers used for general needs . Pgamroposal oada ENIAC was designed in 1942 , and began to be made in 1943 by Dr. . John W. Mauchly and John Presper Eckert at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering ( University of Pennsylvania ) and recently completed in 1946 .ENIAC was very large , for placement requires 500m2 space . ENIAC used 18,000 vacuum tubes , relays and switches 75,000 , 10,000 capacitors , resistors and 70,000 . When operated , the ENIAC requires electrical power of 140 kilowatts with a weight of over 30 tons , and occupies 167 m2 of space .Von Neumann machineThis machine was developed by an expert on the math that John Von Neumann who is also the ENIAC project kosultan . This machine was developed starting in 1945, which gives the idea as a stored - program concept , ie a concept to simplify the process so that the program can be represented in a form suitable for storage in the memory for all the data . This idea is also made ​​almost at the same time with Turing . Furthermore Von Neumann publish it under a new name , namely : the Electronic Discrete Variable Computer ( EDVAC ) .All input and output is done through plong card . Within one second , the ENIAC was able perform 5,000 calculations with 10 -digit number which when done manually by a human will take 300 days , and this is the fastest operating time compared to all other mechanical computer . ENIAC operated until 1955 . Technologies used using vacuum tube ENIAC was used by the Missile Research Laboratory of the Army ( Army 's Ballistics Research Laboratory - LBR ) United States .Furthermore, this engine was developed back with improvements in 1947 , which is referred to as the first generation of modern programmed electronic computers provided commercially by the name of EDVAC , EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator ) , and UNIVAC1 and 2 ( Universal Automatic Computer ) developed by Eckert and Mauchly . For the first time the computer using a Random Access Memory ( RAM ) to store the parts of the data needed quickly .With that concept John Von Neumann was dubbed as the father of modern computer world's first concept is still used today . John Von Neumann was born in Budapest , Hungary December 28, 1903 and died on February 8, 1957 in Washington DC , USA . Von Neumann was very smart in math and numbers . At the age of eman years he was able to calculate the distribution of the eight -digit numbers without using paper or other tools . His education began at the University of Budapest in 1921 with a major in chemistry . But then he returned to his favorite , mathematics , and completed his doctorate in mathematics in 1928. In 1930 he get his chance to go to Princeton University (USA ) . In 1933 , the Institute of Advanced Studies was formed and he became one of the six math professor there . Von Neumann later became an American citizen .Von Neumann was also the first person who coined the term " Game Theory " which later developed into a science of its own . Game theory is useful to simulate the game , such as chess , bridge , and the like . He also useful to simulate war .First Commercial Computer

In mid-1950 UNIVAC progress in several aspects of advanced programming , so it is the first general-purpose computer designed to use numbers and letters and using magnetic tape as a medium for its input and output . This is said to be the birth of the computer industry that is dominated by IBM and Sperry . UNIVAC computers were first used for the purposes of calculating the U.S. census in 1951 , and operated until 1963 .Computers - IBM ComputerIBM manufactures the IBM 605 and the IBM 701 in 1953 oriented business applications and is the most popular computer until 1959 . Issued to replace the IBM 705 IBM 701 IBM which then solidify in the data processing industry .Computer Generation II (1959-1964)The second generation of computers is characterized by the following characteristics :* Using technology in the form of transistor and diode circuit to replace vacuum tubes .* It uses a high -level programming language operations such as FORTRAN and COBOL .* The capacity of the main memory is developed from Magnetic Core Storage .* Using outside in the form of deposits and Magnetic Tape Magnetic Disk .* Ability to process real-time and real - sharing .* Physical size has been smaller than the first generation computers .* The process of surgery is much faster , which is millions of operations per second .* The need for less electrical power .* Orientation program tidah only focused on business applications , but also engineering applications .UNIVAC IIICompared premises tube , transistor technology is much more efficient as a switch and can be scaled down to a microscopic scale . In 2001, Intel has introduced silicon researcher smallest and fastest in the world , with a size of 20 nanometers ata comparable to the billionth of a meter , which will be used on a processor with a speed of 20 GHz ( Giga Hertz ) . This era also marks the beginning of the emergence of the minicomputer which is the second largest in the family computer . The price is cheaper than the first generation . Computer DEC PDP - 8 minicomputer was first made ​​in 1964 for commercial data processing .The types of other computers that appear on this generation diantaranta UNIVAC III , UNIVAC SS80 , SS90 , and 1107, IBM 7070 , 7080 , 1400, and 1600 .Computer Generation III (1964-1970)In this third -generation technology Integrated Circuit ( IC ) became the main feature as it begins to be used on a computer device to the current generation . IC component hybrid or solid form ( SLT ) and monolithyc ( MST ) . SLT is a transistor and a diode placed separately in one place while the MST is an element of transistors , diodes , and resistors are put together in a single chip . MST has more kesil but upon ability greater than SLT .IC was first created by Texas Istruments and Fairchild Semiconductor in 1959 which only contains six transistors . Can we compare the current processor that we use already have millions , tens , hundreds of millions of transistors , even has designed processors with billions of transistors . A remarkable development in the period of less than half a century .
The characteristics of the third generation computers are :* Due to the use of IC performance computers become faster and precise . Speed ​​is nearly 10,000 times faster than the first generation .* Improvement of the software .* Greater memory capacity , and can store hundreds of thousands of characters ( previously only tens of thousands ) .* Use external floppy magnetic storage media (external disk ) the nature of accessing data randomly ( random access ) with a large capacity ( millions characters ) .* The use of electricity more efficient .* The ability to perform multiprocessing and multitasking .* Have used visual display terminals and can make a sound .* The price is getting cheaper .* Ability to communicate with other computers .IBM S/360 , UNIVAC 1108, UNIVAC 9000 , Burroughts 5700 , 6700 , 7700 , NCR Century , GE 600 , the CDC 3000 , 6000 , and 7000 , PDP - 8 and PDP - 11 ( the manufacturer is Digital Equipment Corporation ) is an example examples of third - generation computers .IV Generation Computers (1970-1980 's)
The fourth generation computer is a continuation of the third generation . The difference is that the IC on the fourth generation of more complex and integrated . Since 1970 there are two developments which are considered as the fourth generation computer . First , the use of Large Scale Integration ( LSI ) which is also called by the name Bipolar Large Large Scale Integration . LSI is a solidification of thousands of ICs that put together in an IC chip called chip . The term chip is used to denote a rectangular slab containing an integrated circuit IC . LSI then developed into a Very Large Scale Integration ( VLSI ) which can accommodate tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of ICs . Further development of micro computers using microprocessors and semiconductor chips to form the internal computer memory while the previous generation using magnetic core storage .Computer Generation IV : Apple IIComputer Generation IV : Apple IIIntel in 1971 introduced a 4 -bit microcomputer that uses a processor chip with 4004 names containing 230 transistors and runs at 108 KHz ( Kilo - Hertz ) and can execute 60,000 operations per second . Continued in 1972 , Intel introduced the 8008 microcomputer that processes 8 bits of information at a time . Furthermore, the 8080 microprocessor was made in 1974 , and is the first general-purpose processor . Previous processors 4004 and 8008 are designed for specific application needs , and 8080 processors have the ability to more quickly and have the richer instruction set , as well as having a larger addressing capabilities . In this fourth generation is still a color display monitor ( green color ) .
Computer Generation IV: PDP 11

The fourth generation of computers including the IBM 370, the Apple I and Apple II, PDP-11, VisiCalc, and Altair is using the Intel 8080 processor, the operating system CP / M (Control Program for Microprocessor), with the Microsoft Basic programming language (Beginners Allpurpose Symbolic Instruction Code). Note that the fourth generation of computers is not one of them PC-compatible or Macintosh-compatible. So at this generation has not determined a standard computer, especially personal computers (PCs).

Computer Generation V (1980-present)

The end of 1980, IBM decided to build a personal computer ( PC ) mass , which on August 12, 1981 into a standard PC computer , and finally to the present standard PC known as the IBM - PC . The processor used is 8088/8086 is the standard of today's computers , using the 16 -bit base unit time . With the birth of the fifth generation computer , IBM is working with Microsoft to develop software in it . Until now, Microsoft dominates the PC software needs in the world .The subsequent development of major changes that occurred since the IBM PC was introduced and not be the sole manufacture of PC - compatible , the new standard in the PC industry is more developed by other companies such as Intel and Microsoft pioneered by W. Bill Gates who became pioneers standard hardware and software world .In the fifth generation , has made ​​the development of the so-called Josephson Junction , which will replace the chip technology that has the ability to process billions of operations per second while the chip technology is only able to process billions of operations per second . Computers of this generation will be able to translate human language , humans can directly converse with a computer as well as the energy saving computers . Remarkable properties is referred to as " Artificial Intelligence " , but it is also based Graphic User Interface ( GUI ) , multimedia , and multikomunikasi .Examples of a computer that was born on the fifth -generation x86 -based , such as the 286 chip introduced in 1982 with 134,000 transistors , then the chip 386 in 1983 with 275,000 transistors , while the chip 486 was introduced in 1989 which has 1.2 million transistors . Furthermore, in 1993 Intel introduced the 586 family of processors called the Pentium 1 with the number of transistors 3.1 million for melakkan 90 MIPS ( Million Instruction Per Second ) . Then proceed to the next-generation Pentium 2 , 3 , and 4 .At the end of 2000, Intel introduced the Pentium 4 , which is the last in a family of Intel processors with 32 -bit architecture ( IA - 32 ) . In 2001 Intel announced the Itanium processor is a processor with a base of 64 -bit architecture ( IA - 64 ) first . Itanium is Intel's first processor with 64 -bit instructions and will spawn a new generation of operating systems and applications , while still maintaining backward compatibility with 32 -bit software . Please note that since the issuance of the processor 386 , the computer operates at 32 bits per unit time in executing the information up to Pentium 4 . Till now computers are used mostly still based 32 -bit .On the Pentium generation , in addition to the hallmark on improving data access speed is also displayed image has a resolution ( image quality ) and good color and multimedia , and more importantly it is the function of computers become more intelligent . Although the computer in this generation becomes smaller physical size and simple but has a more sophisticated capabilities .Computer Generation VI : The Future
With the computer technology available today, is rather difficult to imagine how future computers. With the technology available today if only we are able to "hold the world". In terms of computer technology some scientists believe the currently created what is called a biochip made ​​of materials sitetis protein. Robots are made with this material will become a human clone. While the technology is in the research stage now that mikrooptik and input-output audio that may be used by the computer to come. The experts in computer science right now is trying to design a computer that does not require the writing and making of the program by the user. Computer without programs (programless computer) may form the main feature of the upcoming generation of computers.

Possible Future Computers

In principle, the characteristics of future computers are more sophisticated and less expensive and have the capability of them to see, hear, speak, and think as well as being able to make a conclusion like humans. This means that the computer has the ability to approach artificial intelligence and human behavior. Another plus again, the intelligence to predict an event that will happen, can communicate directly with people, and the smaller shape. Clearly the computer of the future will be amazing.

Wednesday, 15 April 2009


How to Install Windows XP and Windows 7Note :The best way to realize our dreams are soon awake ,and work hard .Hopefully youincluding personal BUSY .because ,He is weak and the smallest - but busy , will be more successful than he is strong and smart but slow and lazy .Having a big dream or not ,our task isstart , continue , endure , and continue .Our job is not to succeed .Our job is to try . "
How to Install Windows XPThe following steps are easy and complete way to install windows xp :1 . Prepares CD WINDOWS XP2 . MOTHERBOARD DRIVER CD Set3 . Set bios to first order priority bootingnya starting from CD ( DVD ) - ROM , how:a. Enter the BIOS by pressing Del or F1 or F2 as well .Select the Advanced Settings menu , then look for the ' Boot Priority ' or similar .b . pengaturanya change , so that the CDROM is first possible choices there are 2 types* Menu ' First boot priority ' , ' Second boot priority ' etc. : Set ' First boot priority ' to ' CDROM ' by pressing the PgDn / PgUp ( Page Down / Up ) or + / - .Set also ' Second boot priority'nya to HDD0/HDD1 .* If the menu is ' Boot priority ' : set to ' CDROM , C , A ' or ' CDROM , A ,C. by pressing the PgDn / Up .
The easiest way to install windows xp( complete with pictures ) :do not be on the person who tinkers bios . leave it loaded bios enter windowsnya CD , and then restart the computer , then tap - tap F8 or F10 or F11 ( be tested one at a time ) will appear later boot option selection. select wrote that there was a ' smell ' his cd . then enter. finished deh ... not wear bother ...4 . Wait a while until it says "press any key to boot from CD " as the look like the picture below

5. Press ENTER or any key, then the installation process will check your computer hardware, then you will see the words "windows setup" as shown below

6. Then the files on the cd will be loaded into the computer, then the display will show "welcome to setup" as shown below

7. Press "ENTER" to install windows xp, "R" to repair windows system that had previously been installed, "F3" to exit the installation process, and will appear (End User Licese Aggrement) as shown below

8. Press "F8" then the installation process will find and read your hard disk partitions, then you will see all your hard disk partitions, as shown below

9. Press "ENTER" to directly install the windows, "C" to make your hard disk partitions, partition capacity to suit your needs, in units of MB, then if you create a partition by pressing the "C", then the image will appear as below this

10. Then write the capacity of the partition you want to create, as shown in the image above, for example, suppose your hard drive capacity of 40 GB, then you want to divide by two, then write 20000, not 20, because unit MB partition, you must understand it. ..? paint "1GB = 1000 MB

11. Kenudian press "ENTER" will appear as below

12. Then choose "format the partition using the NTFS file system (Quick)" or "format the partition using the NTFS file system (Quick)" and press "ENTER" will display the screen shown below sepert

13. Then point the pointer to "unpartitioned space", then press "C" will display the image as the previous image, in this case the screen will appear as shown previously showed the rest of the partitions you for, if you just divide 2 partitions only then immediately press "ENTER" but if you want to partition the remaining hardisknya longer stay in for longer aj, like previous steps, I understand the meaning of ....??
after completion of the partition when you press "ENTER" as described above, then the image will appear just as the picture above, after which point the poiter at position C: partition1 [New Raw], but it is usually already in that position, then you simply press "ENTER" only for the installation of windows, then you will see the format as shown below

14. Upon completion format, then the windows will, copy the file to the installation process, as shown below

15. After the copying process is complete, the computer will automatically restart as shown below, in this case to speed up the process of restarting, you can simply press "ENTER"

16. Upon loading windows it will appear like the picture below

17. Subsequent installation of windows in the range 1 .. 2 .. 3 ... GOoooo screen appears as shown below

18. Then just waiting, while coffee can jg, though more inspired, eitssss, tp do not go where it used to, because the next screen will appear as shown below

19. Directly click "NEXT" wrote BOS ...! then appear again boss the screen as shown below

20. Fill in your name and organization, up to the BOS wrote ... then press the "NEXT" then the screen will appear as shown below

21. Input serial nombernya, not until one of ya ....! then press "Next" The next screen will display the administrator, wrote the content of what you like named after his computer, up deeeehhhhh ......
password if you want to use the content as well stay at pasword, pasword up also mo .... then press "Next" then emerged Date and Time Settings screen as shown below

22. Input setting time and date, specify the time zone, for jakarta: select GMT +7 Click "Next" again BOS .... delanjutkan windows after the installation process, as shown below

23. Please wait quite long BOS, .... until the screen appears as shown below

24. Next screen will display the work group or domain computer, as shown below

25. If your computer is connected to a domain, then enter the domain name, but if you stand alone computer, then select the radio button at the top, then press "Next"

26. Next will come the display settings, as shown below, click "OK" wrote BOS ....!

27. Then Windows will detect the optimal display of your PC, as shown in the figure below, click "OK" aj BOS ...!

28. The BOS installation process is almost complete ..... The next window will appear loading windows as shown below

29. Then you will be brought into the windows for the first time as shown in the figure below, press "Next" aj BOS ..

30. Next screen will display "Help Protect Your PC", as shown below, then select "Not Right Now" and press "Next"

31. Then the computer will check the connection to the internet, bleak look at the picture below, select "Yes" and press "Next"

32. Will bring up the windows activation option, as shown below, then press "Next"

33. Will bring up a screen similar to the picture below which shows the user the option to add a computer, you can put some users who will access your computer, but if one account is enough, or you install a computer to be used interchangeably, just enter a user then click "Next"

34. The windows installation process is complete, then the screen will appear as shown below, click "Finish", then the installation process is complete .....

35. It is done all .... then slowly get into windowsnya as seemingly in the picture below

36. Then live CD to install the motherboard drivers, and other supporting devices ....

Thus the steps and how to install windows xp complete the following picture ..


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