In mid-1950 UNIVAC progress in several aspects of advanced programming , so it is the first general-purpose computer designed to use numbers and letters and using magnetic tape as a medium for its input and output . This is said to be the birth of the computer industry that is dominated by IBM and Sperry . UNIVAC computers were first used for the purposes of calculating the U.S. census in 1951 , and operated until 1963 .Computers - IBM ComputerIBM manufactures the IBM 605 and the IBM 701 in 1953 oriented business applications and is the most popular computer until 1959 . Issued to replace the IBM 705 IBM 701 IBM which then solidify in the data processing industry .Computer Generation II (1959-1964)The second generation of computers is characterized by the following characteristics :* Using technology in the form of transistor and diode circuit to replace vacuum tubes .* It uses a high -level programming language operations such as FORTRAN and COBOL .* The capacity of the main memory is developed from Magnetic Core Storage .* Using outside in the form of deposits and Magnetic Tape Magnetic Disk .* Ability to process real-time and real - sharing .* Physical size has been smaller than the first generation computers .* The process of surgery is much faster , which is millions of operations per second .* The need for less electrical power .* Orientation program tidah only focused on business applications , but also engineering applications .UNIVAC IIICompared premises tube , transistor technology is much more efficient as a switch and can be scaled down to a microscopic scale . In 2001, Intel has introduced silicon researcher smallest and fastest in the world , with a size of 20 nanometers ata comparable to the billionth of a meter , which will be used on a processor with a speed of 20 GHz ( Giga Hertz ) . This era also marks the beginning of the emergence of the minicomputer which is the second largest in the family computer . The price is cheaper than the first generation . Computer DEC PDP - 8 minicomputer was first made in 1964 for commercial data processing .The types of other computers that appear on this generation diantaranta UNIVAC III , UNIVAC SS80 , SS90 , and 1107, IBM 7070 , 7080 , 1400, and 1600 .Computer Generation III (1964-1970)In this third -generation technology Integrated Circuit ( IC ) became the main feature as it begins to be used on a computer device to the current generation . IC component hybrid or solid form ( SLT ) and monolithyc ( MST ) . SLT is a transistor and a diode placed separately in one place while the MST is an element of transistors , diodes , and resistors are put together in a single chip . MST has more kesil but upon ability greater than SLT .IC was first created by Texas Istruments and Fairchild Semiconductor in 1959 which only contains six transistors . Can we compare the current processor that we use already have millions , tens , hundreds of millions of transistors , even has designed processors with billions of transistors . A remarkable development in the period of less than half a century .
The characteristics of the third generation computers are :* Due to the use of IC performance computers become faster and precise . Speed is nearly 10,000 times faster than the first generation .* Improvement of the software .* Greater memory capacity , and can store hundreds of thousands of characters ( previously only tens of thousands ) .* Use external floppy magnetic storage media (external disk ) the nature of accessing data randomly ( random access ) with a large capacity ( millions characters ) .* The use of electricity more efficient .* The ability to perform multiprocessing and multitasking .* Have used visual display terminals and can make a sound .* The price is getting cheaper .* Ability to communicate with other computers .IBM S/360 , UNIVAC 1108, UNIVAC 9000 , Burroughts 5700 , 6700 , 7700 , NCR Century , GE 600 , the CDC 3000 , 6000 , and 7000 , PDP - 8 and PDP - 11 ( the manufacturer is Digital Equipment Corporation ) is an example examples of third - generation computers .IV Generation Computers (1970-1980 's)
The fourth generation computer is a continuation of the third generation . The difference is that the IC on the fourth generation of more complex and integrated . Since 1970 there are two developments which are considered as the fourth generation computer . First , the use of Large Scale Integration ( LSI ) which is also called by the name Bipolar Large Large Scale Integration . LSI is a solidification of thousands of ICs that put together in an IC chip called chip . The term chip is used to denote a rectangular slab containing an integrated circuit IC . LSI then developed into a Very Large Scale Integration ( VLSI ) which can accommodate tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of ICs . Further development of micro computers using microprocessors and semiconductor chips to form the internal computer memory while the previous generation using magnetic core storage .Computer Generation IV : Apple IIComputer Generation IV : Apple IIIntel in 1971 introduced a 4 -bit microcomputer that uses a processor chip with 4004 names containing 230 transistors and runs at 108 KHz ( Kilo - Hertz ) and can execute 60,000 operations per second . Continued in 1972 , Intel introduced the 8008 microcomputer that processes 8 bits of information at a time . Furthermore, the 8080 microprocessor was made in 1974 , and is the first general-purpose processor . Previous processors 4004 and 8008 are designed for specific application needs , and 8080 processors have the ability to more quickly and have the richer instruction set , as well as having a larger addressing capabilities . In this fourth generation is still a color display monitor ( green color ) .
Computer Generation IV: PDP 11
The fourth generation of computers including the IBM 370, the Apple I and Apple II, PDP-11, VisiCalc, and Altair is using the Intel 8080 processor, the operating system CP / M (Control Program for Microprocessor), with the Microsoft Basic programming language (Beginners Allpurpose Symbolic Instruction Code). Note that the fourth generation of computers is not one of them PC-compatible or Macintosh-compatible. So at this generation has not determined a standard computer, especially personal computers (PCs).
Computer Generation V (1980-present)
The end of 1980, IBM decided to build a personal computer ( PC ) mass , which on August 12, 1981 into a standard PC computer , and finally to the present standard PC known as the IBM - PC . The processor used is 8088/8086 is the standard of today's computers , using the 16 -bit base unit time . With the birth of the fifth generation computer , IBM is working with Microsoft to develop software in it . Until now, Microsoft dominates the PC software needs in the world .The subsequent development of major changes that occurred since the IBM PC was introduced and not be the sole manufacture of PC - compatible , the new standard in the PC industry is more developed by other companies such as Intel and Microsoft pioneered by W. Bill Gates who became pioneers standard hardware and software world .In the fifth generation , has made the development of the so-called Josephson Junction , which will replace the chip technology that has the ability to process billions of operations per second while the chip technology is only able to process billions of operations per second . Computers of this generation will be able to translate human language , humans can directly converse with a computer as well as the energy saving computers . Remarkable properties is referred to as " Artificial Intelligence " , but it is also based Graphic User Interface ( GUI ) , multimedia , and multikomunikasi .Examples of a computer that was born on the fifth -generation x86 -based , such as the 286 chip introduced in 1982 with 134,000 transistors , then the chip 386 in 1983 with 275,000 transistors , while the chip 486 was introduced in 1989 which has 1.2 million transistors . Furthermore, in 1993 Intel introduced the 586 family of processors called the Pentium 1 with the number of transistors 3.1 million for melakkan 90 MIPS ( Million Instruction Per Second ) . Then proceed to the next-generation Pentium 2 , 3 , and 4 .At the end of 2000, Intel introduced the Pentium 4 , which is the last in a family of Intel processors with 32 -bit architecture ( IA - 32 ) . In 2001 Intel announced the Itanium processor is a processor with a base of 64 -bit architecture ( IA - 64 ) first . Itanium is Intel's first processor with 64 -bit instructions and will spawn a new generation of operating systems and applications , while still maintaining backward compatibility with 32 -bit software . Please note that since the issuance of the processor 386 , the computer operates at 32 bits per unit time in executing the information up to Pentium 4 . Till now computers are used mostly still based 32 -bit .On the Pentium generation , in addition to the hallmark on improving data access speed is also displayed image has a resolution ( image quality ) and good color and multimedia , and more importantly it is the function of computers become more intelligent . Although the computer in this generation becomes smaller physical size and simple but has a more sophisticated capabilities .Computer Generation VI : The Future
With the computer technology available today, is rather difficult to imagine how future computers. With the technology available today if only we are able to "hold the world". In terms of computer technology some scientists believe the currently created what is called a biochip made of materials sitetis protein. Robots are made with this material will become a human clone. While the technology is in the research stage now that mikrooptik and input-output audio that may be used by the computer to come. The experts in computer science right now is trying to design a computer that does not require the writing and making of the program by the user. Computer without programs (programless computer) may form the main feature of the upcoming generation of computers.
Possible Future Computers
In principle, the characteristics of future computers are more sophisticated and less expensive and have the capability of them to see, hear, speak, and think as well as being able to make a conclusion like humans. This means that the computer has the ability to approach artificial intelligence and human behavior. Another plus again, the intelligence to predict an event that will happen, can communicate directly with people, and the smaller shape. Clearly the computer of the future will be amazing.
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