Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Machine CB / GL turned into Tiger??? What the hell do we need to modify??

Okay CBClover some people also know if Tiger is still taking technology honda CB ... although ignition CDI models already use the AC ... the difference if Tiger use electric starter and 6 speed .... while CB only use platinum , and applied directly genjot 5 speed .... ! ! Mean CB / GL can in jack so 200cc dunk ? ? ! ! Yes definitely can ride a stroke .... stay wis ngganteng ! ! CB fans even began to plague throughout the islands JAVA ! !
Kruk locks only in the same -as boring / cylinder block ! ! tiger has a 62.2 step ... CB and GL were still 49.5 .... same as honda supra 100 grand and ...! after such modifications investigated turned out not cost much ! ! ! but are required to have a high skill ... because if you do not know the sequence instead of the CB so tiger ... even entering the engine where the flea ... hehehehehe
1 . Crutch-as tiger ... original price is expensive ! ! ! but some workshop wear artificial crutch-as thailand .. which has pretty good quality ! the price is relatively cheap when compared to the original product ... with price 700 thousand crutch-as handlebars piston had to be transported home ! !
The new condition ...
700 thousand + postage ... ready to go into Kalter Honda CB / GL

2. Boring / liner tiger ... in addition to having a long stroke liner ..... tiger also has wide fins .... if mounted on the CB .... looks dashing and full ... no longer cungkring ... Harganyapun still reasonable ... enough with money 450ribu ... boring ... ready to take home!!! Neotech GL piston filler machine ... can, because has a higher profile
fin width with thick liner cooling .... perfect .. regane still in the bag
quite well over a million little capital ... cb / gl ready lauched and can sukur2 ngalahin FU ... hehe ... oops ... do not forget to membobok charter boring machine that can enter
Kolter machine ready in the content crutch-as tiger
calter turner so that the cylinder must be residing in the tiger
cb mania usually still less confident if the head is still Sutandar ... penginnya also use tiger belongs .... um ... when in use std gl / cb still can!!! There is also the market turns tiger head with cheap price .... had a set with a cam + valve only priced at 850 thousand ... wow ..... ust
ready to replace the head cb / gl ...
pretty neat finishing at an affordable price!!!
kira2 CB so that's metamorphosis than mbeli tiger ..... then pursued a stolen machine because so polkis fence .... guru offers cheap and safe option ..... so ... do not be ashamed of use engines / motors because the engines are old .... bari is the development of the long so that it can adjust ketinggal;'s ... origin want to try .... keep rollin 'boys ....


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