Tuesday 27 May 2014


History Birth of the Tablet PC
 Now this who does not know the Tablet PC , this latest gadget is currently a trend among gadget freak and even the general public . Tablet PC is a laptop or portable computer shaped book . Has a touch screen or digital tablet technology that enables computer users to use a stylus or digital pen in addition to a keyboard or computer mouse . The term was popularized by
Microsoft in 2001 , but tablet PCs now refer to any tablet -sized personal computer , even if you are not using Windows but another PC operating system . Tablets may use virtual keyboards and handwriting recognition for text input through the touch screen .
The idea of a tablet computer is not new . History of the tablet started in 1968 , a computer scientist named Alan Kay pointed out that with the advancement in flat - panel display technology , user interface , miniaturization of computer components and some experimental work in WiFi technology . Alan Kay is not one - only because previously had many names - big names who have contributed to the process of invention and perfected until today . History tablet later , in 1972 , he published a paper on the device and called it the "Dynabook " . Sketch of Dynabook showed a very similar device with a tablet computer that we have today , with some exceptions . At the Dynabook , both screen and keyboard * all * on the same plane . But Kay 's vision even further . He predicted that with the right touch screen technology , you can display a virtual keyboard , the configuration on the screen itself .
Kay cutting edge at that time . History proves that the tablet takes almost four decades before the tablet is similar to what he imagined taking public heart . But that does not mean there is no market for tablet computers in the fourth decade and the Dynabook concept in addition to the famous Apple iPad . Tablets that first appeared on the market is GRiDPad . First produced in 1989 , GRiDPad including touch screen and stylus monochromatic cable capacitance . Weighing just under 2.26 pounds . Compared with today's tablets , GRiDPad was large and heavy , with short battery only lasted three hours . And the people behind it are GRiDPad Jeff Hawkins , who later founded the Palm . Then there are also other pen-based tablet computers , but he did not receive much support from the community .
Apple was the first to enter the field with the Newton tablet , a device that receives the amount of love and ridicule over the years . Most of the criticism for focusing on Newton's handwriting recognition software. Until finally the peak of the tablet 's history began when Steve Jobs revealed the iPad first to market , and to convince the market that the tablet computer can be a viable consumer product . Currently , companies such as Apple , Google , Microsoft and HP are trying to predict the needs of consumers , while designing the next generation of tablet devices . The discovery of the tablet pc is a refinement and development of existing computer technology . So never referred specifically who find it.
Deretan Perkembangan Tablet PC
RAND Tablet
The idea of ​​tablet computers had already surfaced in the 1960s. The world's first tablet mentioned RAND tablet is also referred to as Grafacon (Graphic Converter).
Manufacturer is Advanced Research Projects Agency. RAND tablet was one of the first devices that use a stylus. At that time the price is very expensive, USD 18 thousand.

The Dynabook
The idea of tablet computers had already surfaced in the 1960s. The world's first tablet Mentioned RAND tablet is also Referred to as Grafacon (Graphic Converter).
Manufacturer is Advanced Research Projects Agency. RAND tablet was one of the first devices that use a stylus. At that time the price is very expensive, USD 18 thousand.
Apple Graphics Tablet
This Apple device whose primary function is to draw. Priced at $ 650, Apple Graphics Tablet less success when released in 1979.
In this tablet, the user can draw with a stylus wired devices. Then the results can be transferred to a computer.
Gridpad touted as the first portable tablet PC. With a 10-inch monochrome touch screen and the battery lasts 3 hours, 1989 release tablet is priced very looming, USD 2.370.
The tablet is aimed at business people and reportedly received quite well in the market. Unfortunately, as the manufacturer later AST collapse so Gridpad generation does not continue.

Tandy Zoomer
Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) that is trendy in the 1990s assessed instrumental in the history of tablet PCs because of the similarity function. Gridpad one technician named Jeff Hawkins had an idea to make the tablet more portable with the size. He also founded Palm Computing to realize that dream.
In cooperation with the firm Tandy and Casio, ended touchscreen device named Tandy Zoomer release in 1992. Yet PDA with a stylus is less desirable. Tandy Zoomer then inspiring presence Palm Pilot PDA.
Apple Newton MessagePad
EO John Sculley, Apple released the forerunner of a tablet with the name of the Apple Newton MessagePad. Handheld devices that tend to go in this category have a PDA stylus for navigation.
However, Apple's Newton was never a success in the market. Until Apple decides to stop production in 1998.

Fujitsu Stylistic 2300
Fujitsu Stylistic 2300 Released in 1998 this is the first tablet that is already using the color display. Put on a Pentium 233 processor.
Stylistic 2300 also has an integrated modem. In terms of specifications, the tablet made by Japanese vendor is likely among the most sophisticated in his day.
Compaq Tablet
Modern tablet generation perhaps pioneered by Microsoft. Kala Compaq Tablet launched in 2001, Microsoft's Bill Gates as the boss sure will be very popular tablet computer.
"In five years, I predict the tablet will be the most popular types of PCs sold in the United States," Gates said at the time. However, the prediction is wrong because Windows tablets have not been hugely successful as expected.

Compaq TC1000
In 2003, Compaq released a tablet called the Hybrid PC TC1000. Tablet with a 10.4 inch touchscreen is equipped with a keyboard. This keyboard can be released from the tablet.
Tool wear OS is Windows XP. The design is considered as a breakthrough in his day and won numerous awards.
Apple iPad
In 2010, Apple led the late Steve Jobs released the iPad tablet PCs will become commercially successful. Her presence triggers the tablet into a thriving industry. Until now, the dominance of iPad in the tablet computer market has not been deterred.
Supported applications are plentiful and beautiful design, the iPad quickly reap fame. Currently, the computer operating system based tablet is now entering iOS third generation.
Motorola Xoom
Motorola Xoom mark the seriousness of Google entering the tablet market Android operating dengansistem. Xoom is the first tablet that uses the Android sistemoperasi Honeycomb, the OS that is specifically designed for
tablet device.
In terms of specs, the Xoom also ahead of his time. Tablets that initial release in 2011 is equipped with a dual-core Nvidia Tegra processor and 5 megapixl camera complete with flash.

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