Sunday, 1 June 2014


Limitation of Yamaha Byson Bore - Up Creations is a lot of blessing.

Any engine modifications taste given the ease , and brought pleasant customer . Not only want the motor racing, but also invites us smarter, they are willing to sacrifice funding for research and development . Is Mr.D , students STIE Mahardika Surabaya , drove his Yamaha Byson to be modified . Anyway tasty made ​​touring out of town and brought fun snaking city of Surabaya . Of course the standard Byson powered only 12.1 hp less fun to play .
Modifications kitchen runway immediately performed a thorough , ranging from the base under the crankcase . Crankshaft dismantled for re dibalance , and replaced with the Ninja 150R handlebar , the stroke was automatic step up from its standard . Stroke ups selected to increase the torque in the lower rounds , and melimitasi power so not too peaked . Excess ninja besides piston handlebar light , in the end there are big parts of the handlebar center of the piston to lubricate the big end so as not to jam . At the small end , there is a bamboo bearing for the piston pin menggamit so slick spin , minimal friction course . It also inspired the construction of the motor run 2tak that lightly .
Problems runway, selected basic piston from Honda Tiger to murmerceng package , or can use Hispeed Forged pistons for a more powerful force actually . The reason , of course safer for 15mm piston pin is equal to the original , heavy piston tiger and not far from the standard byson . Because basic piston wear Tiger , the compression in the stakes of no more than 10.5 : 1 so durable and machine does not erupt if invited to walk a long way .
Gambardyno table 199cc Byson
Noken dicolek just a little , just enough 1mm pears so no need to replace the valve with a more hard . The dirty carburetor from Honda Nsr SP with 28mm venturi , composition # 48 pilot jet , main jet # 125 is enough to serve the combustion chamber so as not to thirst . CDI ignition as the brain continue to use the BRT dualband Tune up / Racing in the advance settings . Coupling backed Yamaha Scorpio with pear clutch from Honda Ninja 150R , enough to make the anti- skid byson a matter of custom muffler repair shop , escort exhaust gas into the air over los .
We still believe that the cylinder head is the main source of power , good flow potential always generate power efficiently . Valves rely Mitsubitshi owned Lancer , diameter 30.5 / 25.5 , even though the existing piston diameter can be maximized up to 33/28 , but the weapon was stored for further research aja . Hehehe ... With the current spec portingan results obtained flow 122cfm head , from the results of the flow bench can be concluded that the efficiency of porting and valve is good , which in fact could potentially power up 30dk , if only the owner of the motor would reckless investment in air racing parts , Keihin PWK 35mm carburetor plug Sudco America has , for example , become a motor racing later
GambarEE Head byson valve, dome widened so that compression is not oppressed

Because of this relatively low compression makes the thermal efficiency in the combustion chamber is also less than the maximum power, but its advantages, more durable parts and fuel can still use premium. Torque has been reached maximum efficiency in 19N.m, just less than the maximum power, only 22 Dk. Grateful wrote first ... The addition of power not only of the capacity of the cylinder, 199cc, though still as it is now. Then pa to do if want to power up again? Obtaining power can dikail of high compression, camshaft lift as elevated, ported bred, raised and venturi carburetor. Not to mention that tomorrow to make the 225cc or 250cc hahaha ... What is important ...
Block piston tiger, flat surface, low compression, 3.5 mm thick liner


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