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Wednesday 11 August 2010


Inilah yang pantas disebut makna dari kegagalan

Observe the vehicle across the highway. Sure, your eyes
always collide at the Honda branded vehicle, either a car
or motorcycle. Brand vehicles have always been crammed into the tight
traffic. Because it probably is worth mentioning as king

However, did you know, the founder of a business empire
Honda Soichiro Honda always doomed to failure while undergoing
fruitful life from childhood to the birth of a business empire
worldwide it. He could not even hold the title of engineer.
He was not a brilliant student who has a brain. In class, the seat is not
ever before, always away from the view of teachers.

At starting a business , Soichiro Honda always filledfailure . He had fallen ill , ran out of money , issued fromcollege . However , he kept dreaming and dreaming . And , that dreameventually manifested armed with perseverance and hard work . '' my gradesugly in school . But I am not sad , because my worldaround machinery , motorcycles and bicycles , '' said Soichiro , who diedat the age of 84 years , after being treated at Juntendo Hospital , Tokyo , due tohaving liver .
Affection for the machine , obviously inherited from his father whoopen farm repair shop , in the hamlet Kamyo , Shizuko district ,Central Japan . In this area he was born . Kala often play inworkshop , her father always gave pliers ( older sister ) to revokespikes . He also often played in the rice mills lookdiesel engine that became the driving motor . There, menborn 17 November 1906 could remain silent for hours . notlike his peers at the time who spent more timejoyous play . He did show uniqueness since its inception .Such as reckless activities chosen at the age of 8 years ,with cycling as far as 10 miles. It was done just for funwatch airplanes .

bike has become one of his hobbies when childhood.
And fruit, when 12-year, Soichiro Honda succeeded in creating
pancal a bike with foot brake models. Until then, in
his mind has not appeared automotive dreams become entrepreneurs. because he
consciously come from poor families. Moreover, physically weak, not
handsome, so that always makes it inferior.

At the age of 15 years, Honda moved to the city, to work at Hart
Shokai Company. Boss, Saka Kibara, very pleased to see how
it works. Honda meticulous and dexterous in the matter of the machine. every voice
suspicious, any oil that is leaking, does not escape from the
attention. Six years of working on it, adds his insights on
machining. Finally, at the age of 21 years, Saka Kibara proposed
opened a branch office in Hamamatsu. The offer is not

Hamamatsu his performance is improving. he alwaysreceive reparations that were rejected by other workshop . It works too fastcar repair customer to walk again . Because of this ,working hours often until late at night , and sometimes untildawn . Interestingly , although the brain continues to work overtime genius remainscreative .
Genius led to the phenomenon . At that time , the radiuscar made ​​of wood , up to no good to dampen interestshock . Recognizing this , Soichiro had the idea to replacethe spokes it with metal . The results are remarkable . The spokes of metalsells, and exported around the world .
At the age of 30 years , Honda signed a patent whichfirst . After creating a trellis . Then Honda also want to let gohimself from his boss , make their own garage business . From then on hethink , what is selected specialist ? His brain is drawn tomanufacture of piston rings , produced by his own workshop on, 1938. Then , the work offered to a number of automotive manufacturers .Unfortunately, his work was rejected by Toyota , because they are notmeet the standards . Piston Ring homemade inflexible , and do not sellsold . He remembers his friends reaction to the failure anddeplores himself out of the garage belonging to Saka Kibara . resultfailure , Honda fell ill seriously enough . Two months later ,health recovered . He returned to lead the workshop . but ,Pinston ring about it , yet there is also a solution . in search ofanswer , he went back to school to increase their knowledge about the engine

During the day , after returning to college, he went to the workshoppractice newly acquired knowledge . However , after twoyears as a student , he was eventually released due to sparsefollow the lecture . '' I feel like dying , because when not hungryfed , but crammed with wordy explanations aboutfood law and its influence , '' said Honda , the young agecrazy racing cars . To the rector , he explained his lecture notseeking a diploma . Rather knowledge . This explanation is regardedinsult . But college is not excluded from the finaleverything . Thanks to his hard work , his Pinston ring design is acceptedToyota directly provide the contract . It brings Hondaintends to set up factories . His dream to set up factories mesinpunseemed closer in the eyelid .
But unfortunately , the intention was aground . Japan , because of readywar , did not provide funds to the public . Not a Honda ifface of failure and surrender . He then desperateraising capital from a group of people to set up factories .But again, the disaster came . After the war broke out , the factoryburning , even up to two times the incident happened to him .

Honda never discouraged . He was rushed to collectemployees . They were ordered to take the rest of the cans of benzenediscarded by U.S. ships , for use as an ingredientset up factories . Suffering seems not to be completed . withoutUnexpectedly, the earthquake broke out destroying the factory , soPinstonnya decided to sell the ring to the Toyota factory . After that ,Honda tried several other businesses . Dear all else fails .
Finally , in 1947 , after the war , Japan's lack ofgasoline . Here the Japanese economy in disarray . To the extent thatHonda can not sell the car due to the financial crisis . whereashe wanted to sell the car to buy food for his family .
In a state of urgency , he then returned to play around withpancalnya bike . Because it is his breath always smelled engineeringmachine , he also put a small motor on the bike . Who would have thought ,motorcycle - the forerunner to the birth of Honda cars - the demand bythe neighbors . Be it producing the motorized bicycle . theneighbors and relatives flocked order, so Hondaout of stock . Then re- establish the factory Honda motorcycle . sinceit , success was never out of his hand . Honda Motor followinghis car , became king of the streets of the world, including Indonesia .
Honda has always maintained during life , do not always seein a successful effort to cultivate the automotive industry . but lookfailures experienced. '' PEOPLE SEE MY SUCCESSONLY ONE PERCENT . BUT , THEY DO NOT SEE MY 99 PERCENT FAILURE , '' he said . He gave advice , '' WHEN YOU FAIL , THEN START BACK TO DREAM Immediately . NEW DREAMS AND mimpikanlah . '' Obviously Honda story is an example , that success could be achieved with a minimum investment a person , not smart in school , and just came from a poor family .

Tuesday 20 April 2010


Similarly, the operating system that we use, not just Windows, but there are also MacOS or Ubuntu and others. Smartphone or table also has a powerful operating system to support a variety of applications and needs of its users.

Sometimes it becomes a major problem for us when they wanted to buy the phone. Often confused to select "phone with the operating system what is suitable for me?". Maybe initially when the phone is not much choice using operating system, we just focus on the phone with the Nokia brand alone., But it seems now the "smart phone" began to appear for in make the right choice. Lets see some operating system options that we can consider.


Now this gadget users all over the world are familiar with Android. Android was developed based on the Linux kernel so that the system categorized the operating system is open. All the leading mobile phone vendors to now use Android as its OS. In Indonesia, the famous best-selling Android phones.


Bada is a mobile operating system developed by Samsung Electronics. This OS is designed for high-end smartphones and lower-end feature phones. Samsung Bada menklaim that will take the place in the world of property feature phone platform, replacing feature phones into smartphones. The name 'bada' Alone in the capture of the Korean language which means the sea or ocean.

Samsung introduced the bada platform on 10 November 2009. Upon launch, many companies such as Twitter, EA, Capcom, Gameloft and Blockbuster showed their support for the Bada platform. Once introduced, the Wave S8500 was first exhibited at the Mobile World Congress 2010 in Spain in February. At the same time demonstrated the applications that run on Bada for the first time as Asphalt 5 by Gameloft.

Blackberry OS

In Indonesia, the Blackberry is selling well enough recognized sales figures. But outside the Indonesian mobile market is on the decline. Blackberry OS has its advantages in that is called Blackberry Messenger instant message fellow Blackberry device users.

For someone who works in the company, the Blackberry also has a Push E-mail to facilitate mengcek incoming e-mails from the office without having to open it from the PC.

Firefox OS

Mozilla, the company that developed the browser application (browser) Firefox, plan to make the operating system open source code (open source) for mobile devices named Firefox OS. Mozilla hopes, the prime with Firefox OS will be released in 2013.

All the support has been obtained for the Mozilla Firefox project OS. Mobile device manufacturers ZTE and TCL, which both come from China, is ready to produce the Firefox OS operating system.

Mozilla said that Firefox OS will be fully open mobile ecosystem. Built entirely on open web standards and applications are developed with HTML5 technology. To some extent, Firefox OS will compete with Android because they both are open (open source) and can be used free of charge by phone vendor.


Surely we are not familiar with the device called the iPhone. True, iOS is the operating system that can only be met at the device manufacturer Apple Inc.. iOS is the operating system that was developed from Mac OS X. iOS is also an open source system that oprasi under the auspices of the Apple Public Source License (APSL). In iOS there are abstraction layers, layers Core OS, Core Services layers, Media Layers, Layers Cocoua Touch.

IOS is also famous for its Siri voice command that is similar to the accuracy, famous for his. iOS also has a very elegant interface. In the latest version, there is a new change and a "patch" for bugs, there is also an iMessage is an instant messenger for fellow iOS users.


MeeGo is a mobile operating system based on Linux and open source project or free. MeeGo was developed for a variety of hardware devices such as netbooks, tablet computers, nettops (desktop computers smaller form), in-vehicle devices infotaiment (infotaiment device in a vehicle), SmartTV, smartphones and so forth. MeeGo OS is an OS that is relatively new and was introduced at the Mobile World Congress in 2010 and which introduced the Intel and Nokia.

Palm Os

Palm OS is an operating system and a PDA smartphone developed by Palm Inc.. in 1996. Palm OS was created to provide convenience to its users when used with a touchscreen-based user interface.

Currently, licensed version of the trademark Palm OS Garnet OS turned into the newest version of the Palm OS Garnet 5.4.9. Palm OS was originally developed under the command of palmComputing Jeff Hawkins, Inc.. then later acquired by U.S. Robotics Corp. and eventually bought by 3Com. In January 2002 ago, Palm set up a wholly owned subsidiary to license the Palm OS developed by PalmSource called. In 2007, exactly on January 25, ACCESS announced the name change of the system Palm OS Palm OS Garnet to be today.


Nokia is one of the older brands that almost everyone already knows. In Indonesia, Nokia phone could dominate the market share of mobile phone sales. Symbian is also not an open source operating system, but it is necessary because the developer API so many wrong-clicking mean that the source code is not distributed freely.

One of his seed is to be on the run with multi-tasking. Currently Symbian also has reached the version of Symbian Belle, which is the most recent version and can be encountered in the Nokia 600 and 700.


webOS is a mobile operating system for multiple mobile devices, smartphones and tablet computers. webOS-based Linux kernel that was originally developed by Palm, but was later acquired by Hewlett-Packard with a value of 1.2 billion, which was then known as HP webOS. webOS was introduced in 2009. Several devices running webOS smartphones including HP Veer and HP Pree 3. Meanwhile, the tablet computer is an HP Touch Pad. But unfortunately the device with webOS platform less in demand in the market and even the HP stop making the hardware. Until the outstanding issues that in 2011 Samsung will acquire webOS, but the news was denied by Samsung Management.

Windows Phone

Not only makes the operating system for desktop needs, Microsoft also compete in the mobile operating system. The latest version of Microsoft's OS is Windows Phone 8 will run on top of Windows NT kernel, which is used to segment the entreprise.

Nokia and HTC are two of the gadget vendors who use this OS. Range of Nokia phones that use the Windows Phone OS is the Lumia series. While some series of HTC smartphones that use this OS is the HTC Zenith, HTC Accord and HTC Rio.

Ubuntu Mobile

Present as competitors Android and iOS , Ubuntu -based software for mobile devices is mentioned to be present at an affordable price . This version of Ubuntu has been designed in order to remain able to work in entry-level device though .Ubuntu for this mobile comes with the same kernel and drivers with the operating system made ​​by Google , Android . This can be very profitable for the developer . They no longer need to build apps or write code from scratch .Ubuntu Linux for mobile will be available from entry-level to high-end . The definition of the entry-level here has a minimum specification Cortex A9 1GHz processor and 512MB of RAM . As for the high-end with the minimum specification Quad - core A9 processor and 1GB of RAM .Ubuntu Linux operating system already supports ARM and x86 -based processors . With such support , this device can use a PC processors , such as Intel's Atom .
So choose the type of phones that match the criteria you . When prioritizing design and multimedia , not hurt you to try the iPhone . But if you are someone who " gadgets " , Android mrupakan right choice . Do not mean to drop the other OS , but the sales figures the iPhone and Android is still the king of the market .

Tuesday 13 April 2010

Kawasaki Z Series: History and Journey From the First

Kawasaki Z Series : History and Journey From First - Kawasaki Z type is the type of motor that has been sliding since 1972 . Motor is the first Z series Kawasaki Z1 . The idea of ​​using the name of the letter Z in the beginning because it is regarded as a world bully numbers there most of the time . Not surprisingly , Kawasaki Z1 be the biggest cc engine capacity ( 903cc ) at the time. With DOHC 4 - cylinder technology makes this bike lovers bike attracted attention in a short time , especially in U.S. . Kawasaki Z1 is the result of hard work from Kawasaki engineers at that time . The first genre of motorcycle carrying gasoline tengki sexy shape with the installation of a quartet of exhaust and engine monochrome naked bike style motorcycle making idolized by the men of that era . No wonder Kawasaki Z1 to be excellent , both on the racecourse as well as lifestyle in America , coupled with the various automotive awards are managed disabetnya .Z is a second -generation Kawasaki Z1 - R that came 4 years later . The second motor has been refined in many sectors , including designs that have brought the concept of motorcycle fairing aka hood . Design exhaust with muffler -style model was introduced . Kawasaki Z1 - R is also the forerunner of Kawasaki motorcycles other R type later on .Do not stop there , in 1978 , or exactly one year after launching the Z1 - R , Kawasaki launched the Z1300 that brings innovation is applying the modern day six - cylinder engine on the motor and radiator liquid technology . Capacity 1300 cc engine has a frame , engine , and suspension is superb at that time . Robustness Z1300 looks of the bike weight of 300 pounds ! The rider who did a test ride for the first time the performance of the Z1300 also recognize them as flying and hovering .2 years later , Kawasaki Z thriving , especially after childbirth Z1100GP in 1981 . Reach the engine capacity 1.109cc and blend elegant design and advanced technology makes the bike tech Z1100 Fuel Injection ( FI ) first in the world owned by Kawasaki . These motors achieve success in the market along with Z1000R launched next year . Kawasaki Z1000 is also the first superbike motorcycle type issued by Kawasaki . At that time , the motorcycle ridden by Eddie Lawson .After a few decades , the type of motorcycle Kawasaki Z does not launch again until 2003 with his Kawasaki Z1000 . Of course Z1000 2003 version has a very different concept with the Z1000 , which was launched in 1982 . Besides following the trend of modern design , characteristic of Kawasaki motorcycles with sharp design curve began to appear . As a result , the character of the Z1000 naked bike motorcycle 2003 and 2007 appears to be more solid . Completion Kawasaki Z continues, and started to become one of the trademarks owned Kawasaki motorcycle naked bike . Kawasaki Z1000 injection itself is using modern technology to keep up with technology owned ZX - 9R engine with a capacity of 953cc .3 years later , Kawasaki Z1000 Z Ultimate was launched . This motor has been using technology that is on par with motor bikes . The whole concept that carried a total of reworked engine technology that has been used on the Kawasaki Z earlier . The result of the redesign of Kawasaki 's engineers were able to produce a reliable machine concept , chassis , sokbreker sleep , becoming a new tech motors are superior in many ways than the Z2003 . Evidence of the seriousness of the motorcycle Kawasaki Z series led to the birth in 2013 Kawasaki Z250 ago . Naked bike concept motorcycle in the style of Street Fighter is actually borrowed Ninja 250 injection platform that has been proven toughness . Currently , Kawasaki Kawasaki Z became an icon of the genre naked bikes or sport touring bike .

Kawasaki Z Series: First To Last
Kawasaki Z
Kawasaki Z
Thus information about Kawasaki Z Series: History and Journey From the First. May be useful :-)

Tuesday 9 February 2010


Suzuki's history of the waves of ups and downs of the state of the world ..
Initially Silk Weaving Factory Equipment
Michio Suzuki , is the owner of a business that makes equipment for weaving silk . This effort started in 1909an . As we know , after World War 2 many , the companies that went bankrupt because of the overall crisis . So is this Suzuki company does not escape from financial problems .
Finally, in 1952 , tried to make Bracket for Suzuki outboard engineSuzuki bike on a bike made ​​in the first named Power Free ( for a capacity of 36 cc ) , followed by Diamond Free (for Capacity 60cc ) . And in 1954 , Suzuki tried to make his first motorcycle with a 90cc COLLEDA name . Not much can be done when the Suzuki . Until the 1960s only produce a little because export demand is not much .
In 1967 , Suzuki tried to make the T500 and exported to the U.S. and the UK with the name Titan ( USA ) or Cobra ( UK ) . Because it was considered quite successful T500 continue to be developed so that the GT500 which continued to be produced until 1977 . Actually in 1971 , making Suzuki GT750 ( Water Buffalo ) but no success for Superbike market in the world at that time .

Resumed in 1976 , making Suzuki GS750 as an improvement ofGT750 . The GS750 has very fast acceleration is not surprised to be popular and quite successful . Then proceed into GS1000 in 1978 . GS 1000 is achieving remarkable success and highly accepted current market . Its success is in the frame looks more sturdy than motorsanother time . GS 1000 was developed into in 1980 and 1000 GSX 1100 GSX 1982 Katana .
Here Suzuki achieved great success of this model is known as a powerful ( fast ) , modern design , lightweight body and a very competitive price . In 1986 , returning to make a breakthrough with the model Suzuki GSX - R750 andalanya and GSX - R 1100 . Motor is known as a super fast motorcycle at the time , because this model is really adopting motorcycle racing , because it is intended highway . GSX - R750 continues to be produced until now because sales are very good ..But the Suzuki GSX - R 1100 suffered losses due to poor sales , and stopped production . Later in the 1990s , GSX - R 1100 attempted re- designed , but still less achieve success . Then in 1999 , Suzuki made ​​a breakthrough by producing the umpteenth time that the GSX - 1300R HAYABUSA we know the name of the street as well as a motorcycle ( street bike ) is the world's fastest speed can reach 320km/jam since that time and is able to penetrate the speed of 607.5km / hour as a top pole machine one team USA ( 2010-2011 ) .
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